For Teachers, By Teachers, For All

We invite all types of teachers, including ASL educators, mentors, administrators, interpreters, and everyone else, to join us at the ASLTA 2025 National Professional Development Conference!

All workshop sessions, the General Business meeting, and social events will be conducted in person at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC.

SAVE THE DATE July 9-13, 2025

The tagline “Hands in Synergy: For Teachers, By Teachers, For All sums up the essence of our conference by emphasizing collaboration, expertise, and inclusivity. “Hands in Synergy” signifies a collective effort, highlighting the power of collaboration among educators. “For Teachers, By Teachers” underscores the authenticity and relevance of the content, ensuring that the conference is tailored to the specific needs and experiences of educators themselves. Lastly, “For All” underscores our commitment to inclusivity, emphasizing that the knowledge and insights shared at the conference are beneficial to educators of all backgrounds and specialties. This tagline reflects our dedication to fostering a community-driven, enriching, and universally applicable educational experience. 


Register for the conference before prices increase. Reserve your spot today!

The ASLTA Board and its conference committee will be updating and modifying information about the upcoming 2025 conference. We recommend that you visit the pages listed below periodically to ensure that you have the most current details.

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