Join ASLTA Today!
SLTA is pleased to offer a variety of membership options to meet your needs. Click on the tabs below to review each membership option and accompanying benefits. Have questions about membership? Contact the Treasurer (
Stay Up to Date
Members receive frequent communications from ASLTA via email.
Members receive a discount on conference registration.
Opportunities for networking and professional development.

All ASLTA memberships begin September 1 and expire on August 31 of each year.
Supporting Member
For individuals who are current students; ASL teachers in training programs; general public who support ASLTA’s mission.
Note: Supporting members are not eligible to join the ASL Honor Society program.
Supporting Member Benefits:
- Discounts on ASLTA conference registration fees
- May serve on ASLTA committees
- Receives all ASLTA email communications
- Full voting privileges (aside from certification issues)
- Not eligible to join the ASL Honor Society
- Not eligible to apply for ASLTA certification
- Not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors
Supporting Membership Fees:
- One year: $60.00 (mailed in) / $62.68 (paid online)
- Two years: $114.00 (mailed in) / $118.63 (paid online)
Download the ASLTA membership form here and mail in with a check or money order payable to ASLTA and send to:
PO Box 64801
Rochester, NY. 14624
Associate Member
For individuals who teach ASL; ASL tutors; ASL paraprofessionals; ASL lab assistants; linguists; Deaf Studies faculty; and other ASL-related professions.
Associate Member Benefits:
- Discounts on ASLTA conference registration fees
- May serve on ASLTA committees
- Receives all ASLTA email communications
- Voting privileges except for issues related to evaluation and certification
- Eligible to join the ASL Honor Society
- Eligible to apply for ASLTA certification
- Not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors
Associate Membership Fees:
- One year: $90.00 (mailed in) / $93.76 (paid online)
- Two years: $171.00 (mailed in) / $177.69 (paid online)
Download the ASLTA membership form here and mail in with a check or money order payable to ASLTA and send to:
PO Box 64801
Rochester, NY. 14624
Certified Member
For individuals who have earned ASLTA certification and teach ASL or serve as ASL / Deaf Studies program administrators.
Note: “Certified” refers to those who have earned ASLTA certification. State-issued certifications or teaching credentials are not synonymous or interchangeable with ASLTA certification.
Certified Member Benefits:
- Discounts on ASLTA conference registration fees
- May serve on ASLTA committees
- Receives all ASLTA email communications
- Voting privileges including evaluation and certification
- Eligible to join the ASL Honor Society
- Eligible to serve on the Board of Directors
Certified Membership Fees:
- One year: $110.00 (mailed in) / $114.49 (paid online)
- Two years: $209.00 (mailed in) / $217.07 (paid online)
Download the ASLTA membership form here and mail in with a check or money order payable to ASLTA and send to:
PO Box 64801
Rochester, NY. 14624
Retired Member
For individuals who no longer work as ASL teachers, tutors, paraprofessionals, lab assistants, linguists, Deaf Studies faculty, or ASL-related professions but want to remain part of ASLTA.
Retired Member Benefits:
- Discounts on ASLTA conference registration fees
- May serve on ASLTA committees
- Receives all ASLTA email communications
- No voting privileges
- Not eligible to join the ASL Honor Society
- Not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors
Retired Membership Fees:
- One year: $60.00 (mailed in) / $62.68 (paid online)
- Two years: $114.00 (mailed in) / $118.63 (paid online)
Download the ASLTA membership form here and mail in with a check or money order payable to ASLTA and send to:
PO Box 64801
Rochester, NY. 14624
Retired + Certified Member
For individuals with ASLTA certification who no longer work as ASL teachers, tutors, paraprofessionals, lab assistants, linguists, Deaf Studies faculty, or ASL-related professions but want to remain part of ASLTA.
Retired + Certified Member Benefits:
- Discounts on ASLTA conference registration fees
- May serve on ASLTA committees
- Receives all ASLTA email communications
- Exempt from certification renewal obligations
- Voting privileges including evaluation and certification
- Not eligible to join the ASL Honor Society
- Eligible to serve on the Board of Directors
Retired + Certified Membership Fees:
- One year: $60.00 (mailed in) / $62.68 (paid online)
- Two years: $114.00 (mailed in) / $118.63 (paid online)
Download the ASLTA membership form here and mail in with a check or money order payable to ASLTA and send to:
PO Box 64801
Rochester, NY. 14624